Adaptations to dietary shift in aquaculture characterization and enhancement

AEC trout strain selected on its ability to transform plant food

Scientific leader

M. Dupont-Nivet (UMR GABI)

Technical leader

L. Goardon


2013 - 2016



Context and Objectives

The AGREENFISH project aims towards removing a major bottleneck for sustainable aquaculture development by adapting carnivorous fish to the unavoidable dietary shift from marine ingredients towards plant products. The project will focus on rainbow trout (RBT), as a model of fish still highly reliant on marine ingredients. Acquisition of knowledge on mechanisms of adaptation and tools for future improved breeding programs constitutes the major goal of the proposal.

The first objective is to provide the knowledge to better understand the adaptive mechanisms implemented by fish.

Modification date : 06 February 2023 | Publication date : 09 January 2015 | Redactor : PEIMA