
The infrastructure and human skills at PEIMA make it the experimental unit of reference for research on salmonids performed within several INRA research departments.

PEIMA contributes to the implementation of interdisciplinary projects with other French or foreign research organisations, especially in the AQUAEXCEL project.
The experiments in fish biology performed help increase understanding about:

  • physiology (physiology of reproduction, growth, behavioural analyses, adaptation to changing environments, etc.)
  • genetics (structure of the genome, genetic determinism, selection, etc.)
  • nutrition (nutritional needs, decreasing marine-based ingredients, etc.)
  • defence against diseases (molecular virology, improving specific and non-specific defence systems).

PEIMA also has a collection of farmed salmonids unique in the world due to the selection and maintenance of strains with original characteristics (homozygous isogenic strains). These strains will be made available to the National Cryobank, of which INRA is a partner, via the CRB-Anim project.

Growth tank protection
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