PEIMA has more than 400 tanks, which allow experimentation on life cycle stages from eggs to large trout. The unit also has a a processing unit, for fileting, sampling, measuring and a smokery, in sanitary conditions compatible with organoleptic tests.

Drennec barrage
The Elorn river on the PEIMA site

Water Availability

Water is the essential component of salmonid production, in quality as in quantity. In this way, the physiological functions of these organisms are regulated by the temperature of their environment, the water.

PEIMA has two sources of water:

  • the Elorn river, with an available flux of 720-900 m3/h at a variable temperature (5-20°C)
  • a spring with a mean available flux of 20-40m3/h at a constant temperature (11.5 ±1.5°C).

Quality Assurance

INRA has defined its quality policy since 2000. For research and experimental units, it aims to guarantees to third parties:

  • the reliability of measurable results, especially by strengthening metrology and the knowledge of methods
  • traceability of research, in particular for the production of publications to ensure the permanence and optimal use of know-how and, where applicable, to defend intellectual property.

Quality assurance is designed and implemented in synergy with workplace safety and health.

Security and Ethics

PEIMA is authorised to perform animal experiments (permit no. B 29-277-02). Conforming to European Union legislation and its translation into French law, all PEIMA technicians are authorised to experiment at level 2. PEIMA is affiliated with the Ethical Committee on Animal Experimentation of Finistère (CEFEA), registered (no. 74) with the Minstry of Higher Education and Research.

Sanitary Safety

PEIMA has signed the sanitary charter of INRA. It also has had a European Union sanitary authorisation since 1995 (no. 29-177-501 according to decision 95/125/CE of 04/04/1995). It is free of the main viral diseases of salmonids: viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS), infectious hematopoietic necrosis (IHN), infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN), and infectious salmon anaemia (ISA).

Rejections treatment
Phytofiltration facilities