Lettuce production in aquaponic system

Scientific leaders

L. LabbéV. Dumas

Technical leader

L. GoardonP. Pelissier


Aquaponics is a model of integrated aquaculture that is multi-trophic in its recycling and reuse of all or some of the water used and aims to produce a variety of animals and plants in perfect equilibrium. Fish waste is thus used by hydroponic crops with added value (vegetables, fruits, flowers). This innovative process also reuses residual water from crop production to decrease water withdrawals and their impact on the environment (decreasing waste and chemical inputs). This project aims to test aquaponic systems with two types of fish production, cold-water (trout) and warm-water (tilapia), to characterise how the systems function, analyse the linking of environmental compartments, and determine their technical and economic dimensions, with the goal of transferring the knowledge to the aquaculture and horticulture professions.

Read about the project's progress on the APIVA website.


  • ITAVI, scientific project co-leader: A. Tocqueville
  • LEGTPA de La Lozère, scientific project co-leader: C. Lejolivet - Louis Pasteur College